Desktop PMS Interfaces and Modules

Extend the power of your PMS with additional services and connections.

Remote Backup (Included in MyPMS)

For customers who have their own remote servers that can be accessed via FTP from their property, the ‘remote backup’ Module allows BookingCenter to automatically .zip and save the BookingCenter datafile on remote servers every night, reducing reliance on local backups. Learn more

Multi-user License (Included in MyPMS)

Network multiple machines (even Windows and Macs together) on a network. PLUS — if you use Mac OS 9/ OS X and Windows 95/NT/2000/XP — this network can be expanded to the Internet, allowing multiple managers of a property over any Internet connection. Learn more

POS Desktop PMS (Included in MyPMS)

For businesses that want to sell Packages or automate their payments, the Point of Sale module is a must! The POS Module enables BookingCenter PRO customers. Learn more

Group BookingsGroup Bookings (Included in MyPMS)

For businesses that work with groups, this module fits tightly into your BookingCenter software to manage multiple guest accounts within a single account. Excellent for preparing and printing (to email, screen, or printer) group itineraries and invoices. Learn more